+7 (8482) 20-81-45 Reception

+7 (8482) 20-85-90 Sales dept

г. Тольятти, ул. Громовой 33-А а/я 1839

False bottom type

The bottom distribution assemblies of "false bottom" type consist of a shell, flat round partition ("disc") with reinforcing ribs. The "disc" has required number of orifices for installation of slotted drainage caps.

Equipment parameters:

Price - on request

Warranty - 24 months

Delivery - Worldwide



False bottom type

The bottom collection and distribution assembly of "false bottom" type features the most balanced hydraulic characteristics. Such assembly ensures uniform distribution of water or regeneration solution and creates practically “flat” flow over the filter cross-section.

Such drainage assemblies are widely used in the following filters: FIPr, FOV and FSU.

445056, Russia, Samara region,
Togliatti, Gromovoy str. 33-A, POB 1839