According to the Rules of technical operation of electric power stations and networks (RTO) type of duty of water treatment plants and water-chemical conditions should ensure the work of power stations and heating system manufacturers without damage and reduce the efficiency caused by corrosion of internal surfaces of water treatment, heat-and-power and network equipment, as well as without scaling and deposits on heat exchange surfaces, deposits in the setting of turbines, slurry in equipment, pipelines of power stations and heating systems.
To meet a claim the diverse requirements of water quality, consumed during generation of electric and heat energy, appears а necessity in special physicochemical treatment of it. This water is essentially the raw material which, after appropriate treatment (purification) is used for the following purposes:
* The text is taken from:
S. Kopylov, V.M. Lavygin, V.F. Ochkov, "Water-treatment in power energetics"
(M. MEI Publishing House, 2003)
445056, Russia, Samara region,
Togliatti, Gromovoy str. 33-A, POB 1839