For more than 5 years TEKO-FILTER have been supplying designs and component for our monolithic concrete filter floor system. The system is a “cast in-situ” design that becomes part of the surrounding civil structure. Unlike other suspended filter floor systems there is no risk of degradation or structural failure, that may lead to the requirement of a refurbishment in years to come.
Equipment parameters:
Price -
on request
Warranty -
24 months
Delivery -
Flat panel
Monolithic filtering bottom with flat panels - video assembly and operating principles
Many water treatment facilities use fast pressureless filters with sand, coal, and other loads. Specialists in the operation of wastewater treatment plants are well aware of the problems associated with breakdowns of drainage devices, violation of filtration and backwashing modes.
The modern level of development of science and technology makes it possible to create reliable, efficient, simple and inexpensive drainage-distribution systems of fast pressure-free filters. Based on world experience, we propose to use the system "Monolithic filtering bottom" in the construction of new and reconstruction of existing filters.
The components we supply allow us to create a single, monolithic design with a filter housing, which prevents any possibility of its breakdown or failure (subject to normal operating conditions). This solves all the main problems associated with the maintenance and operation of the filters.
Phone:+7 (8482) 20-83-61
445056, Russia, Samara region,
Togliatti, Gromovoy str. 33-A, POB 1839