On 20/01/2014 the filtration equipment was dispatched and delivered to TOO "Tabys Paidamen" (Almaty) for needs of Atyrauskiy oil-processing plant (the Republic of Kazakhstan). Four filters FIPa I-3,0-0,6 are now getting ready for assembling and installation on the customer site. This equipment is going to be installed at the water treatment shopfloor.
The Atyrauskiy oil-processing plant is one of the largest plants in Kazakhstan. Currently its' range of oil-products has reached 21 position.
Атырауский нефтеперерабатывающий завод - одно из крупнейших предприятий Казахстана. В настоящее время количество выпускаемых наименований нефтепродуктов достигло 21.
445056, Russia, Samara region,
Togliatti, Gromovoy str. 33-A, POB 1839
Email info@teko-filter.ru